How to Use Trepanation in Brain Surgery

How to Use Trepanation in Brain Surgery

Trepanation is a surgical procedure that involves the drilling of a hole into the skull. It is generally only used in the most extreme of medical emergencies, such as a subdural or epidural hematoma. Some, however, also believe it can be used as a non-essential surgery to treat such things as depression or migraines.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Licensed medical doctor

Tips & Warnings

Trepanation can be an expensive procedure and is rarely covered by health insurance.

Trepanation should only be performed by, and at the advice of, a licensed medical doctor. Self-trepanation is very popular in some circles, but it is also extremely dangerous.

Trepanation carries with it a high risk of infection and brain damage, both during and after the surgery.

If you develop an infection or suffer a head injury, see a doctor immediately.

How to Use Meditation in Tibetan Medicine

How to Use Meditation in Tibetan Medicine

Tibetan medicine defines illness as the effect of ignorance on the mind, body and sprit. Ignorance causes us to misperceive the world in a way that makes us prone to health problems and sickness. Meditation is widely used in Tibetan medicine to focus and ease the mind, which can help if you're suffering from stress-related illnesses. Meditation is said to also improve memory as well as reduce mental fatigue.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Use Meditation In Tibetan Medicine


Find a Tibetan medical doctor through the Web site (see Resources below).


Call 1 or more of the doctors to schedule a consultation. Consultations are generally inexpensive and don't necessarily imply you intend to begin treatment with that doctor.


Ask about meditation and be up-front about your goals and expectations. Tibetan doctors are well versed in Tibetan-style meditation. Describe your availability in terms of time. This will help the doctor formulate a meditation plan for you.


Follow the suggestions offered by the doctor. Meditation takes time and practice.


Eliminate negative thinking during meditation. Positive thinking is thought to give you energy, assertiveness and confidence.


Create a positive goal that is within reach. Goal-setting helps many people reach their optimal meditative performance.


Visit and select a meditation audio CD to purchase (see Resources below). Audio CDs can help clear your mind and give you directions to focus and guide your meditation session.


Learn more about how to use meditation in Tibetan medicine at the Dharma Haven Web site (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Do not be discouraged if you find it difficult to meditate at first. Meditation can be difficult for many Westerners. We are so accustomed to noise, both externally and internally, that it can take some people several tries before they are able to clear their minds.

Develop a routine. It is much easier to use peaceful quiet time for yourself when make it part of your everyday activity. Choose a time of day and stick with it.

Tibetan-style meditation is said to help with psychological disorders. However, for serious depression, consult a professional psychologist or psychiatrist.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners are licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider and keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Use Kinesiology Through Chiropractic Care

How to Use Kinesiology Through Chiropractic Care

Kinesiology, the study of human physical movement, is crucial for physical therapists, dancers and other body-based professionals. In chiropractic care It can help pinpoint vulnerable, compromised areas that signal a weakness or injury in specific nerve groupings. This allows your chiropractor to target adjustments to provide a remedy to those areas. Chiropractic care is the manual adjustment of the vertebrae for the relief of back pain, neck pain, and other conditions.

Things You'll Need:

Internet access


Kinesiologist or chiropractor who knows kinesiology

Use Kinesiology Through Chiropractic Care


Find out if your chiropractor also utilizes kinesiology. If not, go through your directory of state chiropractic organizations and use them as a referral source to find one in your area (see Resources below).


Ask for a complete evaluation using kinesiology as part of the diagnostic regime. Make sure you have given your chiropractor your medical history. If the kinesological testing shows weakness in various organ systems, it will be important for your practitioner to know your prior history.


Learn more about how kinesiology and chiropractic treatments work together to relieve your condition(s). Visit the Web site for CPK, the association of chiropractors committed to using an integrative approach to their practice (see Resources below). CPK stands for 'Chiro Plus Kinesiology.'


Learn more about kinesiology at (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

The price for independent kinesiologist visits will be moderate to expensive. If the kinesiologist is part of your chiropractor's practice (or your chiropractor is also an expert in kinesiology), then the cost will be the same as your chiropractor's fee schedule.

If your problems persist or the claims made by your kinesiologist and/or chiropractor seem too far afield from your aches and pains, don't forget to look for a second opinion or to go back to your medical doctor for further evaluation.

If any of your original symptoms get worse or if any new ones--like intense pain or high fevers--develop, contact your medical doctor immediately or go to the nearest emergency room.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners are licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider and keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Use Chakras in Tibetan Medicine

How to Use Chakras in Tibetan Medicine

In Tibetan medicine, chakras are wheels of spinning energy (often represented as fire in Tibetan art) that are said to connect our bodily energy fields and link us to the cosmic energy field. Tibetan medical practitioners believe that chakras are the base of our body's electrical fields, which are linked to our body and soul. Chakras are in constant flux, and Tibetan doctors believe that they manage the endocrine system and aging. Tibetan exercises are said to be used to balance your personal chakras.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Consult Your Local Tibetan Medical Doctor


Use the directory of Tibetan medical practitioners at (see Resources below) to find 1 or more practitioners in your area.


Call or visit your selected practitioner(s) and inquire about chakra theory. Be up front about your intentions. Tibetan medical doctors can act as a mentor to assist you in chakra strengthening exercises, such as the Tibetan 5 rites exercise program.

Use a Tibetan Exercise Program to Balance Chakras


Visit and purchase a book such as 'Chakra Balancing Kit: A Guide to Healing and Awakening Your Energy Body' by Anodea Judith (see Resources below). Read through the description of the chakra exercises.


Perform 1 complete cycle of each exercise every other day for the first week.


Do these exercises in the morning. You should begin to notice more energy and mental focus throughout your day.


Go at your own pace. Do what makes you comfortable, and don't strain yourself.


Work up to 2 repetitions of each exercise. Continue adding repetitions until you top out at 21.


Speed up the pace of each exercise to maximize your workout.


Continue to use chakras as part of your Tibetan medicine regimen. Your Tibetan medical doctor can recommend easier or more difficult exercises as needed.

Tips & Warnings

If you decide to make meditation a part of your chakra-balancing routine, be patient. Many Westerners find that meditation is very difficult because we are so accustomed to external and internal noise. Practice makes perfect, however, so create a daily routine for yourself.

Tibetan chakra exercises can be very physically demanding when you're a beginner. Start slowly. You are not expected to be able to go through a full cycle when you're just starting out.

If you are overweight or have heart problems, consult your physician before attempting chakra exercises.

If you are experience severe chest pain, difficulty breathing, numbness or other serious symptoms, visit a medical doctor or emergency room immediately.

Never exceed 21 repetitions of any Tibetan chakra exercise. To enhance your workout, speed up the pace. Exceeding 21 repetitions can actually have negative effects on your chakra balance and general heath.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners are licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider and keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Use African American Folk Medicine

How to Use African American Folk Medicine

Unlike modern remedies, folk medicine relies heavily on the use of herbs and botanicals to treat physical ailments. African American folk medicine incorporates spiritually inclined principles, as well. Some come from west and central African traditions, or from Caribbean traditions, like those from Haiti. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Internet access

Assortment of herbs/teas


Remedy the Basics


Treat nausea, indigestion or simple after-dinner gas with simple African American folk medicine techniques. As with many other folk medicine approaches, herbs are used frequently.


Choose from spearmint, catmint or peppermint to experience the relaxing and tummy-soothing properties of tea made with any of the above. Readily available in undeveloped areas, herbs promise many healing attributes. They can be harvested without much expense.


Use senna, an herb commonly used in Haiti and in the southern United States. Because of its fibrous properties, it makes an excellent laxative tea that's been used to eliminate intestinal worms.

Pinpoint Serious Pain


Protect your heart with garlic, a well-respected favorite that's been eaten over the years to reduce high blood pressure.


Include spirituality. Success with most of these remedies has been reported through faith in an all-powerful being. It's a key to many African American folk remedies.


Apply warm fat to a thin cloth, then place it upon a garlic-rubbed chest to fight congestion.

Respect Greater Powers


Combat ill health with the help of a root doctor. A root doctor in African American folk medicine is a conjurer who's in touch with spiritual forces.


Find relief from chronic diarrhea through the power of a conjurer. Read more about conjuring practices and supernatural beliefs in Jeffrey Anderson's "Conjure in African American Society" (see Resources below).


Learn more by reading articles about African American traditional medicine at the "PubMed" Web site (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

If an allergic reaction is detected, immediately discontinue whatever treatment you've started.

Visit an ER or emergency medical clinic if you experience unexplained swelling, as this could be the sign of a very serious infection.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. If you decide to try folk medicine, consult your primary health care provider. Keep your doctor informed about the folk medical technique you undertake.

Consult to learn how educate yourself about alternative medicine claims (see Resources below). Learn how to assess those claims before you make your treatment decision.

How to Clean Sterling Silver Jewelry

How to Clean Sterling Silver Jewelry

It's normal for your sterling silver jewelry pieces to become tarnished and discolored. However, you can restore their
easily. Follow these steps.

Things You'll Need:

Polishing cloth

Sterling silver cleaner

Air-tight, sealable plastic bag


Polish your jewelry with a soft cloth. If your jewelry has become slightly tarnished, attempt to polish it with a cloth made of cotton. Using any other type of fabric as a polishing cloth may damage your jewelry. Any dirt that is remaining on your jewelry from previous attempts at cleaning can scratch your piece of jewelry. When polishing, rub your jewelry with straight, direct strokes. You will likely scratch your jewelry is you use circular motions.


Use a cleaner to remove stubborn tarnish. While it is possible to use baking soda or toothpaste to clean your jewelry, it is not recommended. The first recommended cleaner is a trusted sterling silver cleaner. However, a home substitute can be used by combining one half cup of warm water and a small bit of mild liquid detergent. A soft brush may be used to apply the cleaner and to scrub hard to reach areas.


Store your jewelry. Once dry, store your sterling silver jewelry in an air tight plastic bag. If this isn't possible, store your jewelry in a velvet lined jewelry box, away from jewelry of other metals.

Tips & Warnings

A scrap from a soft, cotton t-shirt makes an excellent polishing cloth.

A worn out toothbrush is appropriate to use on your jewelry.

By wearing your jewelry regularly, you can reduce the amount of tarnish your jewelry acquires. The oils in your skin naturally repel tarnish.

Don't store your sterling silver jewelry alongside jewelry of other metals. It can cause your silver jewelry to discolor and tarnish more quickly.

Remove your sterling silver jewelry when using any chemicals containing acetone, turpentine, bleach, alcohol or ammonia.

How to Clean Silver Jewelry

How to Clean Silver Jewelry



loses its point if it's so tarnished it doesn't glimmer under the lights. Follow these steps to return that sparkling shine to your favorite items.

Things You'll Need:

1/4 cup baking soda

1/4 cup salt

1/4 cup liquid dish soap

1/2 gallon water

Large pot

Aluminum foil

Big plastic stir spoon

Colander or strainer


Stove top


Line the inside of large pot with aluminum foil.


Pour all ingredients into the lined pot and stir with plastic spoon.


Gather the sterling silver jewelry that needs cleaning and gently drop them into the pot. Be sure to count the silver to ensure nothing gets thrown out later with the aluminum foil.


Bring the solution to a low boil. Let boil for about 4-5 minutes.


Remove from heat. After the solution cools a bit, use a colander or strainer and pour out contents of pot. Rinse with cool water.


Count your pieces as you lay them on a towel to dry.

Tips & Warnings

The foil will be dark since it collects the oxides from your jewelry, so be extra careful not to throw any clean silver out as you discard the foil.

This solution also cleans gold jewelry very well.

How to Clean Pearls

How to Clean Pearls

Follow a few simple steps to keep your pearls in tip-top shape.

Things You'll Need:

Damp Cloths

Jewelry Boxes

Pearl Bracelets

Pearl Earrings

Pearl Necklaces

Damp cloths


Gently wipe pearls with a soft, damp, lint-free cloth.


Pat dry with a fresh, lint-free cloth.


Have pearls professionally cleaned at least every other year.

Tips & Warnings

If you own pearls on silk or natural-fiber strands, have them professionally re-strung every year.

Avoid exposing your pearls to perfume, cosmetics or perspiration, which can dull and discolor them.

How to Clean Out a Wardrobe

How to Clean Out a Wardrobe

You've been putting it off for months, maybe even years, but the time has finally come to clean out your wardrobe. Once you get through the process, you can finally part with the clothing that really shouldn't be in your closet and make space for newer fashions.


Set aside at least half a day, preferably longer, to clean out your wardrobe. Put on some music and invite a friend over to make the process more fun.


Look through each item of clothing in your closet to separate them into two categories: the clothes that you're keeping and the clothes that you're giving away.


Place clothes that you love, that are still in style, that are in good shape and that you wear frequently in the "keep" pile.


Try on questionable pieces of clothing. You may come across clothes that you haven't worn in a while simply because you've buried them in the back of your closet. Once you try them on, you'll know if there's a good reason that you shoved them in the back of your closet, or if it was simply an accident.


Give away clothes that you haven't worn in the past year, that are out of style or that are so tattered and torn that you simply cannot salvage them.


Part with clothes that don't fit. You may be sentimentally attached to your old skinny jeans, but if you can't fit into them, it's time to take them to the thrift shop.


Organize the clothes that you've decided to keep according to color and type of clothing. For example, hang all of your


together and group them by color.

How to Clean Linen Skirts

How to Clean Linen Skirts

Made of the world's oldest fabric, linen skirts feel great when we first put them on. While linen skirts can have a sharp, crisp look when new or clean, they can lose their shape and look very dingy quickly. However, there are some things you can do to help keep your linen skirts clean and ready to wear.

Things You'll Need:

1/2 cup baking soda

Laundry detergent

2 tbs. hair conditioner or cream rinse

Washing machine


Separate your linens from fabrics with different content, as well as different colors. If you're trying to limit the number of wash loads, you can wash your linens with other cotton items with similar colors.


Drop about 1/2 cup of

into the wash with your laundry detergent. Baking soda will help keep your linens bright.


Use mild soap instead of laundry detergent to remove tough or old stains. When you're done washing, roll up the skirt in a towel to remove the moisture. Never wring out a wet linen skirt.


Use a gentle cycle on your

for your linen skirts.


Add some fabric softener during washing to keep the linen soft and to reduce wrinkles.


Add the hair conditioner or cream rinse in the final rinse cycle. This techniques will make your linen reflect more light and look shiny.


Hang your linens on the line outside to dry. White linens, especially, benefit from drying in the sun.


Press your linen skirts with an iron before putting them away. Freshly washed linens wrinkle very easily.

Tips & Warnings

The longer you have your linen skirts and the more frequently you wash them, the softer they will look over time. They will also wrinkle less often.

Use soft water when washing your linen skirts as its will keep your fabrics soft instead of stiff and dull.

Linen is considered a "healthy" fabric to wear because it causes virtually no allergies, plus it helps soften and moisturize the skin.

Some linen skirts should not be washed at home. Check the label to see if your skirt should be dry cleaned.

Try not to over-dry your linen skirts. Leaving a little moisture will make it easier to iron out the wrinkles.

If your skirt has an acetate lining, washing in the machine with regular detergent will likely cause the skirt to shrink.

Soap that is left in the linen will result brown spots. Keep your skirts clean by thoroughly rinsing them during washing.

How to clean jewlery

How to clean jewlery

We all love our jewlery to sparkle. That bottle of jewlery cleaner can make those beautiful diamonds fall out. I have doe this process for years and my jewlery looks brand new.

Things You'll Need:


cheese cloth





First take your jewlery and put it in a bowl let it soak for 5 minutes in alcohol.


Remove from alcohol and take the toothbrush put toothpaste on it and scrub the jewlery softly.


Rinse with water. Take the cheese cloth and dry off the jewlery.


With the cheese cloth put a little lipstick on it and polish the jewlery. Make sure to polish it with a clean piece of the cheese cloth till all the black marks stop coming off on to the cloth.