How to Do Moving Meditation

How to Do Moving Meditation

Meditation begins with sitting in silent awareness of breath and the kundalini energy, but it only starts there. You can extend meditation into your day through all kinds of activities. Some may seem obvious to support meditation. Some may appear more likely to negate it. Either way, you can enter stillness where you least expect to. Let's take a look at how to stand up from your half-lotus, go out into the world and practice moving meditation.


Wash dishes, clean floors or vacuum. Experience the deep satisfaction of cleansing and release. Luxuriate in the sensation of warm water and the scent of soap. Feel peaceful order descend on your living room, as you vacuum it free of dust and fur.


Fold laundry. Absorb the clean warmth of shirts, socks and towels as you fold them and put them away. Sustain a quiet pin-point focus on every seam and corner.


Go to your swimming pool, basketball court, Ultimate Frisbee practice--whatever you do to work out. Start exercising. Pay attention to the movements of your hands and feet. Feel the bright circulation of energy in your system. Breathe full and deep.


Take a walk. Focus your awareness on the chakras two fingers below your naval, at the center of your chest and between your eyebrows. Breathe light and easy.